Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 4- Susanna 3, Paleo 1

NO, I did NOT cheat or otherwise mess up on the paleolithic challenge, HOWEVER, this day was... the equivalent to the day in caveman days when the hunters didn't catch anything. Maybe it was storming, maybe they were slow- either way, apparently living like paleolithic man occasionally (or perhaps frequently) means not actually eating anything at all. I started the day ok...

Breakfast: Naked Juice (very berry)

...thinking that I would be able to stop for some type of protein on my way from one work location to another shortly after- this did not happen. I zoned out while driving on the highway and arrived at my second work location before I even realized it. I was working at a cake bakery, by the way, so food was technically available to me the entire time I was working, but only in the sense that cake is the same as edible food, which in the paleolithic age it is not. So I waited for my lunch break, and my boss offered to pick something up for me. the benefit of this was a trip saved and opportunity to actually eat lunch, but I had to think of something off of a fast food menu I don't know by heart and order it quickly, so I told her to get me...

Lunch: Grilled chicken salad, dry

... it arrived and was a lovely arrangement of fresh greens and grape tomatoes with sunflower seeds anointing the foliage, with 4 skiiinny strips of cold grilled chicken arranged neatly in a way that reminded me of modern art. This upped my protein tally for the day to a little less than 2 ounces. I finally got home from work at about 5, and immediately broke into my stash of emergency food...

Snack: 2 cold, hard-boiled eggs and an ounce of shredded turkey with black pepper

...and ran off to church. After a "Death comes unexpectedly" sermon straight out of Pollyanna, I went to Central Market to grab a quick but healthy dinner before heading home...

Dinner: 3.5 oz grilled salmon, pineapple chunks, and a handful of raw sunflower seeds

...I learned some important things about grociery store dinners: salmon is extremely overdone in grociery stores, salmon isn't very good cold with no lemon juice addorning it, and even salmon can have strangely textured fat deposits throughout the fish so that you have to pick the flakes apart to avoid a slimy, fatty, oily texture invasion in your mouth. This is why I bought a 7oz piece of fish and only ate about half. The pineapple, however, was amazing. So ends my sad attempts to nourish myself on day 4 of the Paleolithic challenge, but I DID NOT CHEAT!

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