Saturday, August 15, 2009

Days 7, 8, 9 and 10

I haven't cheated, I can promise you that. I have also worked out at crossfit every single weekday that I have been on Paleo. I honestly don't remember the exact meals I consumed on days 7,8, and 9 but they were mostly combinations of grilled chicken, fresh fruit, eggs and almond butter. I do have a few notable things from those days to report though: I successfully made my very first egg over easy! I usually prefer medium because you often have some small amount of uncooked white in an over easy egg, and I also have never been able to flip it over without popping the yolk. So yeah, that was very exciting! Also, I met my family at Anamia's Mexican restraunt on day 8, and was frustrated the whole way there because I love being invited to family stuff but I'm beginning to notice the fact that there is almost nothing I can order at any restraunt except grilled chicken or dry salad or a combination of the two, so I was either looking forward to another rather boring dinner or waiting to get home and make a slightly more interesting egg dish. When I arrived, however, inspiration struck! I ordered a sliced, grilled chicken breast a la carte, with a side of guacamole and limes. I mixed the guacamole with some of their super spicy red salsa and spread it thickly over the breast, then drizzled it liberally with lime juice. The lime gave it an almost salty finish, and the creamy, spicy avocado sauce was as good as any queso sauce I've ever had, (and made me feel considerably better than any queso sauce has ever made me feel after I finished eating). On day 9 I took some vegetable-based breading I have been experimenting with (containing nothing forbidden by the Paleolithic Diet) and made chicken fried chicken nuggets, fried in a combination of canola and olive oils. It worked great! The vegetable breading actually added more flavor than regular breading does! If you'd like to try it I can't tell you my secret but I'd be glad to make you some breading, just comment or email me and we can work out price based on quantity desired. As for day 10 here was my menu:

Breakfast: Ginger Snap Larabar

Lunch: Cafe Express Grilled Chicken with Pesto sauce (always double check and make sure the pesto either does not contain parmesan or can be made fresh without it) and sweet potato fries (unsalted) with basalmic vinegar and extra pesto sauce to dip them in

Dinner: Chipotle barbacoa beef with lettuce and spicy fresh red salsa. No rice, beans, tortillas, sour cream, or cheese. Also a small iced herbal tea.

Workout: 8 minutes of pullups where I did 1 pullup in the first minute, 2 in the 2nd, 3 in the 3rd minute, etc. Then 5 rounds of 5 deadlifts and 10 box jumps. I deadlifted 85# and did step ups for 4 of the 5 rounds rather than the full jumps. My time was 4 min, 44 sec. I also had a HUGE breakthrough, and did my first (and second) full, completely unassisted pull up EVER!

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